Creative Coding

Technology meets artistic expression at TECHNATION's Creative Coding Student Challenge

Challenge Details

Challenge Categories
  1. Generative Art and Interactive Visuals: Create a tool that generates art using algorithms and code. This could involve visual compositions, animations, or interactive experiences that respond to user input. 

  2. Music and Sound Manipulation: Develop a program that generates or manipulates music and sound in creative ways. This could involve music visualizers, sound-based games, or programs that generate unique soundscapes. 

  3. Augmented Reality (AR) Art Experiences: Develop AR applications that merge digital art with the physical world. This could include AR-based interactive installations, immersive experiences, or storytelling through AR. 

  4. Creative Coding Projects for Social Impact: Use creative coding for a social cause. This might involve creating projects that raise awareness about social issues, promote inclusivity, or encourage community engagement through art and technology. 

  5. Digital Storytelling and Narrative Experiments: Create digital storytelling experiences using coding and multimedia elements. This could involve interactive narratives, storytelling through data visualization, or digital comics/animations. 

Challenge Steps 


Step 1: Challenge registration – Feb 1-22 

Create or join a team consisting of 2-4 post-secondary students. If you’re looking for a team to join, check the Teams tab on this platform to see the teams who are recruiting members. Your team must be complete by February 22. 

Step 2: Kickoff event and category reveal – Feb 22 

Challenge categories will be revealed at the virtual kickoff event on February 22, and will be posted on this page. Your team may choose one or more categories to focus your idea on. Join the kickoff event to be the first to hear all the important details! You will receive a link to join the virtual kickoff event closer to the date.

Step 3: The challenge begins! – Feb 22-25  

After you've heard the categories, it’s time to get to work. Develop a concept or prototype that fits in the category of your choice. Your team will have 3 full days to develop a totally unique idea and create a 5-minute video presentation to show off your project. Your submission must be in English and uploaded to the platform by the deadline of Sunday, February 25 at 11:59 pm (ET).  

A panel of judges will review and grade all submissions based on the evaluation criteria below. Teams will be notified of the results by email on the evening of February 28.

Evaluation Criteria


Does the project offer an original, innovative approach to addressing the selected problem? Is the project ambitious or creative within the constraints of the challenge timeline? Is this a new idea?


Does your team make effective and appropriate use of the selected tools and technologies? Does the team effectively communicate a solution to the challenge?


Does your team reflect diversity? Does your team have a complementary skill set that enables you to tackle the different aspects of your project?


Does the project address a clear need, problem, or opportunity? Does the project fit the problem it addresses? Does the team have a credible plan for implementing their proposed solution and does the solution have a good product/market fit?


  • Must be a Canadian post-secondary student (including abroad) or an international student attending a Canadian post-secondary school
  • Teams must be 2-4 people
  • All team members must be currently enrolled in a post-secondary school or have graduated in the past 6 months
    Note: we will require documentation of the above to process any prizing
  • Must be an original idea not used in previous pitch events, school projects, grant proposals, etc.